North East London Population Health and Health Equity (PHHE) Clinical Fellows
Duration: 1 year, with the potential to extend to 2 years at the end of the first year
Time commitment: 1 session a week
Eligibility: – Newly qualified GPs and nurses who have completed their training in the last 12 months and are working/about to start work in a substantive role providing primary medical services, and General Practice Nurses new to general practice in the last 12 months.
Participants may be employed by a practice, across a PCN, cluster of PCNs, or another body. The scheme is open to those who work less than full-time (LTFT).
Location: Unex Tower, Stratford & Remote
Expertise: Interest in improving health equity and population health across NEL
The PHHE Clinical Fellows will support the NEL Health Equity Academy to deliver against the NEL ICS Strategy and support our priorities around reducing health inequalities. The nature of the project/s and focus of the fellowship will depend on the applicant’s interest and new ideas are welcomed. Potential projects could include:
- Developing and supporting the delivery of the Health Equity Academy training and support offer for primary care.
- Improving health access, experience and outcomes for people in underserved groups: people who are homeless, seeking sanctuary (including refugees and asylum seekers), informal carers, people with learning disability or autism and care experienced young people.
- Anti-racism and addressing ethnic health inequalities
- Addressing Poverty (e.g., supporting the provision of social welfare advice in primary care)
- Core20PLUS5 for adults and/or children and young people (
- Collaboration with the Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector
- LGBTQ+ Health
- Working with PCNs and Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) to advocate for and support implementation of population health management (PHM) in North East London
- Supporting the development of a repository of evidence-based population health interventions
- Supporting the defining of population health outcomes across populations in NEL
The fellow will work within the team of two NEL PHHE clinical leads but will also be allocated a specific primary care clinical lead as their supervisor dependent on their chosen area of interest for their fellowship. We would also encourage fellows to take up the mentoring available via the NEL GP New-to-Practice Fellowship Programme.
Please note, it would be desirable if fellows are available for their sessions on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, with the ability to meet in person at our Stratford office approximately once a month.
Contact details:
For further information about the role or to set up a time to talk about the role with any of the current NEL clinical leads, please contact Abigail Dowdeswell
GP Fellow with special interest in Urogynecology/Menopause Care Fellow
Remuneration 2 clinical sessions per week for one GP or one session each for two GP’s plus associated administration time
Tenure 2 years for the duration of the fellowship with option for review on completion
Location Whipps Cross Hospital
Reports to Clinical Lead – Miss Nandita Deo
Responsible to Divisional Director -Ms Sujatha Thamban
The successful candidate(s) would join an established group of substantive Consultants who specialize in Urogynecology and Menopause based at Whipps Cross, Barts Health.
Job Purpose
To provide specialist physician support as part of the Urogynaecology and menopause clinics. Currently there is a weekly Urogyne clinic and a weekly Menopause clinic. The candidate can choose to do either or both clinics. In the initial six weeks they will be provided support and training and following which they are expected to be able to run these clinics independently or under indirect supervision. They would be encouraged to undertake courses relevant to the above areas of special interest . It is hoped that this exciting opportunity will also lead to improved working between both primary and secondary care to improve the overall patient pathway. The successful candidate would ideally act as a champion within primary care, potentially leading to local educational events with community and patient engagement.
Prospective candidates are encouraged to visit the Trust, which may be arranged by contacting the following:
NHS North East London Personalised Care Fellow
Team: NEL Training Hub and NEL Personalised Care Teams
Fellowship Hours: Part time 2 sessions per week (1 day per week)
Fellowship Duration: 24 months – an MOU will be issued
Responsible to: NEL Personalised Care Clinical Lead
Managerial support: NEL Training Hub and Personalised Care Programme Managers will provide managerial support
Accountable to: NEL Personalised Care Clinical Lead
Location: The post will be based with the NEL ICS Training Hub. Working may be remote depending on the conditions at the time, and on agreement with the Personalised Care Clinical Lead and Programme Manager.
We want to embed personalised care across all services and communities, developing the best possible infrastructure to enable this.
Are you passionate about personalised care and supporting a new relationship between people, professionals and the system aiming to make the most of the expertise, capacity and potential of people, families and communities?
This is an exciting opportunity to focus on strengthening and embedding of the Personalised Care Agenda in primary care and PCNs across NEL, working very closely with the NEL ICS Personalised Care and NEL Training Hub Teams, Clinical and Managerial Leads and PCN’s as well as other stakeholders across London.
The NEL Personalised Care Programme was established January 2020, with an initial focus on the growth of social prescribing. More recently have been working together to pilot community-chest funding of local voluntary sector and community organisations, broadened our scope to include all personalised care workforce, and to drive up the value of personal health budgets to patients and the number of people benefitting. At the heart of the programme has been a culture of collaboration. The successful Personalised Care Fellow will play an important role in further supporting engagement on this vital agenda across our NEL system.
You will be engaging with PCNs and Personalised Care roles to increase the knowledge, skills, and confidence in implementing the Universal Care Model in primary care; conduct a training needs analysis; deliver and support training for key priorities; support development of an induction programme; map and support communities of practice; undertake learning sets to support PCN DES Social Prescribing; attend PCN/Place meetings as ambassador for personalisation; monitor and encourage uptake of PCI accredited training; map workforce numbers and identify gaps.
Please see the Fellowship description for more information. Please submit your CV with your Expression of Interest Statement demonstrating your suitability, interest, availability in relation to the position to
Please also send your enquiries to
Closing Date: 16th February 2024
Shortlisting: w/c: 19th February 2024
Interviews w/c: 26th February 2024
GP Health Inequalities Fellow: Hepatitis C, Homelessness and Primary Care
LEAD ORGANISATION: NHS England Hepatitis C Elimination Programme
This project is an opportunity to work with primary care practices to address health inequities faced by socially marginalised populations, to improve hepatitis C (HCV) care pathways to support NHS England’s objectives of HCV elimination by 2025 and to improve health outcomes.
Project Supervisor: Dr Binta Sultan, Clinical Lead for Hepatitis C, Health Inequalities and Inclusion Health, Transformation Partners in Healthcare, Royal Free NHS Trust. Consultant Physician in Inclusion Health, CNWL NHS Foundation Trust (LinkedIn profile)
Duration: up to 9 months
Time commitment: 2PAs flexible depending on the fellow’s availability
Grade: GP registrar or above
Location: Remote, London. Some London travel will be required to engage with key stakeholders and implement the project
Expertise: Interest in improving health equity for inclusion health populations. Previous audit or quality improvement experience
- Click HERE for the details of this opportunity.
Fellowship at Barts (F@B) programme in Clinical Skills Education
Come and teach clinical and communication skills to enthusiastic 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate medical students at Queen Mary University London Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry prior to their placement years for one session a week on Fridays. This exciting new opportunity will help you develop your educational skills in teaching, assessment and scholarship, and is based at the Robin Brook Centre, Barts Hospital, West Smithfield campus.
Key points:
- Approximately 20 sessions per year in the clinical skills centre, teaching practical procedures on mannequins [e.g. catheterisation, intravenous infusion, arterial blood gas sampling], or physical examination skills
- Teaching communication skills as opportunities arise [e.g. patient-centred consulting skills, culture and diversity in communication, and breaking bad news]
- Monthly mentorship including support for your Higher Education Academy fellowship application [e.g. observation and feedback on your teaching]
- Access to the CILT qualification (Certificate of Learning and Teaching: an accredited qualification leading to Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy)
- Further opportunities for your professional development [e.g. attendance at our educational scholarship programme and/or faculty development sessions]
- OSCE examining with free training provided
- Up to 4 fellowships available for one session each [either mornings or afternoons] on Fridays
- Honorary contract with Queen Mary University London
The Communication and Clinical Skills Unit at the Robin Brook Centre at Barts is a small and friendly team who are all enthusiastic medical educators coming from a range of clinical backgrounds including general practice, anaesthetics, psychology, sexual health and public health. We are very supportive of each other and would welcome like-minded doctors who are keen to enhance their teaching skills by participating in our programme. If you would like to find out more please do not hesitate to email Anna Schmid or Venkat Thiagarajan
To apply, please submit a supporting statement and CV to the following 3 email accounts:; and
GREAT Programme
GP and Registrar Educator Academic Training. The GREAT programme runs over 2 years:
Year 1 includes:
o 6 x 3 hour interactive educator workshops
o Medical student teaching experience
Year 2 includes:
o Medical student teaching experience
o Opportunity for engaging in central teaching, medical student course development, medical education research etc. -
For more information contact: Louise Younie (Academic) – Chloe Millan (Admin)
Breast Physician
- The successful candidate(s) would join an established group of 8 substantive Consultant specialist breast Surgeons in Barts Health based across 3 sites.
The 2 year Fellowship would include 2 clinical sessions per week plus associated administration time with the option for review on completion. The aim of the Fellowship is to provide specialist physician support as part of the breast rapid diagnostics team within Barts Health. The successful candidate(s) would be welcomed into the breast surgical network within Barts with the option to work flexibly throughout the service based across three main Barts sites – St Bartholomew’s, Whipps Cross and Newham Hospitals. It would be anticipated that two clinics a week would be undertaken – one stop rapid breast assessment with radiology and consultant surgeons support and one routine follow up clinic. The site of working and the working day(s) themselves are all negotiable depending on the candidate(s) personal requirements. It is hoped that this exciting opportunity will also lead to improved working between both primary and secondary care to improve the overall patient pathway. The successful candidate would ideally act as a breast champion within primary care, potentially leading to local educational events with community and patient engagement. - Prospective candidates are encouraged to visit the Trust, which may be arranged by contacting Miss Laura Johnson, Breast Surgery Clinical Network Director and Clinical Lead for the St Bartholomew’s site:
- To apply, please submit a one page Expression of Interest/Supporting Statement outlining your reasons for applying to the following email accounts: sara.buthlay@nhs.netand
Looking at Ways to Improve Childhood Immunisations and Cancer Screening in B&D
BOROUGH: Barking & Dagenham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The White House Surgery – Barking & Dagenham
- NW1 PCN has successfully led an MMR uptake pilot on behalf of B&D, leading to more than 600 catch up MMR vaccinations given over a 16-week period. We also have experience of successfully leading the Covid 19 vaccination programme, working alongside our local GP Federation – Together First CIC.
Dr Kanika Rai is the BHR Cancer Lead (also Primary Care Lead for B&D and a GP Trainer) and led on the implementation of innovations like “C the signs” cancer diagnostic tool and also supporting the early cancer diagnostic centre. As a PCN, we are also leading on a pilot to produce videos in different languages to increase the uptake of cervical screening.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with Dr Kanika Rai to build on existing work and models of care to improve childhood immunisations and cancer screening for NW1 PCN. - This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dimitri Bakanov, PCN Business Manager,
Population Health Management Project looking at Improving Childhood Obesity in the Community
BOROUGH: Barking & Dagenham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The White House Surgery – Barking & Dagenham
- B&D has a very high rate of childhood obesity, among highest in London and one of the highest nationally. This has been identified as a priority for the B&D Borough wide partnership which brings together key stakeholders like the Voluntary Sector, Patient Representative Groups, Public Health, Primary Care and the Local Authority and Community Services.
The successful candidate will work alongside Dr Shanika Sharma, PCN CD and Clinical Lead for PCN Development with Transforming Primary Care Team, London region, to look at ways in which we can try to tackle childhood obesity in NW1 PCN and B&D. - This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dimitri Bakanov, PCN Business Manager,
Population Health Management Project looking at Improving Diabetes Care in the Community
BOROUGH: Barking & Dagenham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The White House Surgery – Barking & Dagenham
- NW1 PCN has a high prevalence of Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. We have successfully supported a digital diabetes education pilot and are currently also working on a low carbohydrate diet pilot.
The successful candidate will work alongside Dr Adeel Ansari, who is a GPSI in Diabetes and does clinics at Porters Avenue. The role will involve looking at integrating and leading on a PCN based model for diabetes care , for example setting up PCN diabetes MDTs and Group consultations on diabetes for patients. There will also be a strong focus on prevention and on work identifying and managing patients with prediabetes and gestational diabetes.. - This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dimitri Bakanov, PCN Business Manager,
Children and young people’s urgent and primary care
BOROUGH: Newham Only
DETAILS: Click HERE for all details.
Newham Health Collaborative (NHC) are seeking to develop two Newham GPs through a fellowship opportunity focused on local provision for CYP in relation to urgent care, including GP-led services and primary care access. The opportunity is open to GPs only.
The fellowship would offer the opportunity to contribute towards system development of this area, as well as developing skills and knowledge relating to urgent care for CYP, including areas, for example:
- UTC on-site and bypass services
- Paediatric emergency department
- Extended access arrangements for primary care provision
- Projects within primary care, such as developing a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) approach to high intensity users (HIUs) of A&E and primary care
- Dedicated primary care hub provision for CYP, covering minor illness and respiratory (subject to the hub provision available at the time of the fellowship).
Fellows will be offered two sessions per week, with a focus on developing a broader perspective of the urgent care system and its interface with primary care service provision. The two sessions will comprise of:
- One session for clinical service delivery, predominantly but not exclusively within NHC-provided settings, for example:
- GP-led care in UTC on-site and bypass provisions
- Paediatric emergency department
- Children’s primary care hubs (minor illness and respiratory; subject to hub provision in place at the time of the fellowship)
- Extended access primary care
- Roving / outreach team, who focus on health inequalities including increased uptake of childhood immunisations and polio vaccination campaigns
- One session for leadership and development activity, for example:
- Supporting projects within primary care, namely MDT support for HIU cohorts
- Patient flow, such as primary care access data, patient flow from 111 or other pathways
- Exposure to current urgent emergency care service modelling and commissioning processes
- Contributing to review and management of the UTC front door.
Clinical and Managerial oversight and direction
Fellows will work alongside and be supported by current clinical leaders, including:
- Dr Shazia Mariam, UTC Lead GP
- Dr Clare Davison, Urgent & Emergency Care GP lead (commissioning)
- Dr Subir Sen, Medical Director, NHC
- Dr Arpana Patel, Board Member for CYP, NHC
Application Requirement
•Please submit a statement with your expression of interest outlining why you would like to apply for the fellowship in no more than 1000 words. Completed expressions of interest should be submitted via e-mail to Sara Buthlay, North East London Fellowship Programme Manager ( using the subject line ‘Fellowship opportunity: Children and young people’s urgent and primary care in Newham’. - One session for clinical service delivery, predominantly but not exclusively within NHC-provided settings, for example:
Immunisations Fellowship Opportunity
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Training Hub
- Newham Training Hub has created an exciting opportunity for you to become the Immunisation Lead for Newham; as part of the national fellowship programme.This opportunity is a one-year programme of support, available to ALL newly-qualified GPs and GPNs working substantively in general practice.You will be expected to commit to one full year for your fellowship; and one session per week to support below programme;
• One session a month: Immunisation Planning
Understanding training needs, gathering information from key stakeholders from the system, help planning the required training working with Training Hub and GP Federation- particularly focusing on wider primary care staff such as staff working in the ARRS roles
• One session a month: Strategic Development
Supporting vaccination strategy development, working with Imms coordinators and primary care leads, attending to key meetings to give updates, working with practices towards meeting QOF expectations and HI Projects
• One session a month: Learning & Development
Developing yourself with CPD & e-learning, getting on top of the national & public health programme
• One session a month: Flexi session
Will be used towards the need for work in other areas listed above – You will also be expected to produce an outcome report for your portfolio, share the learning locally and across NEL and this session can be used for reporting purposesYou will also be expected to participate in monthly peer support sessions (2hrs). The Practice gives you paid time off to attend these.
Reimbursement & CPD Grant & Mentoring
• Your practice will receive one session per week reimbursement so you can participate in Fellowship activities. In addition, your practice will receive 30% on-cost for tax, NI and pension.
• You will also receive a one-time CPD grant (£2,000).
• You will have free access to a trained mentor with whom you meet monthly for external and independent support.Application Requirement
• Written application, no more than 500 words to describe the reasons for taking up this opportunity.
• Written agreement to time commitment. - Please send your applications to .
Innovation and Improvement Hub Team
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Training Hub
- Launched in September 2020 the Newham Improvement and Innovation Hub (NIIH) is a space to advance quality improvement (QI) and promote innovation in primary care. Innovation can be viewed as providing a novel solution to a complex problem and NIIH aims to support. General Practices in Newham to addressing common problems encountered in primary care. The NIIH sits within Newham Training Hub and through our partnership with EQUIP, we are supporting individual general practices with QI, identifying QI champions and providing training.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dr Martin Edobor, Innovation and Improvement Hub Lead,
Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Hub Team
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Training Hub
- Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Hub is a team of coach mentors, working towards ILM5 Certification and experienced in practical coaching and mentoring. The Hub hail from an array of Newham’s workforce as GPs, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, practice managers and public health staff. The Hub’s story began in December 2018 with the first cohort of coach-mentors being trained with transformative and positive changes in their professional and personal lives. All of Newham’s primary care having the opportunity to apply for coaching and mentoring. The vision of the hub is to embed a coaching and mentoring approach in Newham.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dr Rabia Ishaque, Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Hub Lead,
Newham Training Hub Health Equity Programme
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Training Hub
- NEL covers areas of significant ethnic and social diversity with some of the most disadvantaged/deprived Boroughs in the UK most affected by Covid-19. Evidence shows that patients in deprived areas with complex problems consult more often feel less enabled and their doctors feel more stressed after consultations. Newham Training Hub Health Equity Programme is working towards to reduce and increase the awareness for unfair and avoidable or remediable differences in health among population groups defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically in Newham.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Dr Lucy Langford, Newham Training Hub Health Equity Lead,
Carrying out a specific skills and training needs audit for the roles in the PCNs
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: London Borough Of Newham
- The NHS Long term plan is putting more roles into primary care networks to support better population health outcomes around prevention and management of long-term conditions. We are looking for someone to carry out a specific skills and training needs audit for these roles- eg Social prescribers, GPNs, HCAs, Health coaches, PAs, pharmacists etc and anyone else with first contact of patients. The specific skills are in the area of supportive conversations.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ysabella Hawkings, Public Health strategist with Adeola Agbebiyi Asst. Director of Public Health (Consultant)
- Please send your applications to .
Carrying out a rapid needs assessment and review of confidence patient facing staff in primary care have in talking about recognising and supporting patients around common mental health issues
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: London Borough Of Newham
- Pre COVID 25% of GP workload related to common mental illness. Common Mental illness is linked to worse outcomes and experience of long-term conditions and may play a role in preventable development of LTCs. We are seeking an individual or team of 2 to carry out a rapid needs assessment and review of confidence patient facing staff in primary care have in talking about recognising and supporting patients around common mental health issues. the staff roles are Social Prescribers, HCAs, Health Coaches, Physician assistants, GPNs.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ysabella Hawkings, Public Health strategist with Adeola Agbebiyi Asst. Director of Public Health (Consultant)
- Please send your applications to .
Supporting Implementation of Newham’s Ageing Well Strategy
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: London Borough Of Newham
- Supporting implementation of Newham’s Ageing Well Strategy, which is being launched in July 2022. This strategy has been developed in partnership with residents and NHS, voluntary / community sector partners. The strategy has five accompanying action plans, which span a wide range of issues and services. The Fellow would have a leadership role in shaping and delivering one or more action.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Claire Greszczuk, Deputy Director of Public Health
- Please send your applications to .
Coordinating and producing individual practice PH screening and imms dashboard
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Health Collaborative
- Coordinating and producing individual practice PH screening and imms dashboard
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Paula Beare, Director of Patient Services, Newham Health Collaborative
- Please send your applications to .
Practice performance and pressures
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Health Collaborative
- What their current provision is and where the pressures are – we know that coming out of the pandemic many practices have struggled to return to Business as Usual – there could be some analysis of what is happening across the Borough and how this is used to inform the development of new services?
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Paula Beare, Director of Patient Services, Newham Health Collaborative
- Please send your applications to .
7-day access/UTC/ED pressures
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Newham Health Collaborative
- The analysis of what is happening /not happening to relieve pressure out of the 9-5? There are other models from other areas that have drawn the whole service together in more coherent way.
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Paula Beare, Director of Patient Services, Newham Health Collaborative
- Please send your applications to .
Teaching and Training Practice to Develop Learning Culture
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The Vicarage Lane Surgery – Newham Practice
- Teaching and Training Practice to Develop Learning Culture
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ms Mia Labelle, The Vicarage Lane Surgery
- Please send your applications to .
Organisational Development and Transforming Culture
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The Vicarage Lane Surgery – Newham Practice
- Organisational Development and Transforming Culture
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ms Mia Labelle, The Vicarage Lane Surgery
- Please send your applications to .
Improving Long term Condition Population Outcomes
BOROUGH: Newham Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: The Vicarage Lane Surgery – Newham Practice
- Improving Long term Condition Population Outcomes
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ms Mia Labelle, The Vicarage Lane Surgery
- Please send your applications to .
Sexual & Reproductive Health Fellowship
BOROUGH: Newham & Waltham Forest Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: All East Integrated Sexual Health Services At Barts Health
- We can offer a sexual & reproductive health fellowship for 2 years. This would enable the GP to get qualifications from the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health (FSRH). This includes the Diploma from the FSRH allowing them to issue contraception and Letters of Competence in Sub-dermal Implants and Intrauterine techniques allowing them to insert Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) ie Coils and implants.
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Dr Preeti Bharadwaj who is the SRH Consultant for Newham & Waltham Forest based at the Sir Ludwigg Guttmann Centre at Stratford
- Please send your applications to .
Basic life support training via Training Hub
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Basic life support training via Training Hub
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Mentorship and Coaching of med students and Junior doctors
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Mentorship and Coaching of med students and jnr docs
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Teaching med students
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Teaching med students
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Staff wellbeing programmes
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Staff wellbeing programmes
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Climate Emergency/Green projects via Training Hub
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Climate Emergency/Green projects via Training Hub
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Public/Population Health priorities
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Public/Population Health priorities
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Paeds Air Quality
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Paeds Air Quality
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Paeds improving care for eczema
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Paeds improving care for eczema
- This project is suitable for GPs and GPNs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
School Health projects and other 0-19 service delivery projects
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- School Health projects and other 0-19 service delivery projects
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
Other clinical service development work
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- Other clinical service development work
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
PCN projects
BOROUGH: Tower Hamlets Only
LEAD ORGANISATION: Tower Hamlets Training Hub
- PCN projects
- This project is suitable for GPs.
- Project Lead: Ekramul Hoque, Tower Hamlets Training Hub Programme Manager,
FedNet – Out of Hours
BOROUGH: Waltham Forest Only
- WF GP FedNet works collaboratively to provide GP Weekend and Evening services at a time that is convenient to all residents in the Borough. Late evening and weekend GP appointments have been made available, with appointments also available on bank holidays. This allows patients to see a GP or a nurse over the weekend for routine GP appointments, health checks and treatments. This is an exciting opportunity for a newly qualified GP to enhance their skills outside of their core clinical sessions. Appropriate supervision and induction would be provided for the Fellowship.
- 2 portfolio sessions to supplement a salaried GP contract with a participating GP surgery in North East London, for a 1 or 2 year fixed term contract with the possibility of an extension