Supporting Pre-registration nursing students and Apprenticeship Nursing Associates in practice- what are the requirements?
The NMC changed from the ‘old’ Supporting Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAiP) Guidelines that gave us the Mentor/Practice Teacher/Teacher roles to the Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) in 2018 and this was rolled out for pre-registration students in September 2019. The SSSA separates out supervision and assessment roles into Practice Supervisor (PS) and Practice Assessor (PA) and all preparation for this is the responsibility of the employing organisation.
What training is required:
The course is named the Standards for Support Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor training- sometimes shortened to PAST training. It uses resources collaboratively created by the London Higher Education Institutions and practice partners (known as the Pan London Practice Learning Group).
The specific training you will require will depend on the role you will be undertaking (Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor) and whether you have undertaken any previouse mentorship or equivalent training previously. The Pan London Practice Learning Group suggests the approach below and this is the training that most organisations in NEL have decided to follow.
Which E- learning do I need to undertake to be a practice assessor?
Prior to attending this training, you will need to complete the e-modules on PLPG webpage (approx. 7 hours).
-Understanding students
– Roles and responsibilities
– Assessing learning needs
– Assessing learning in practice
– Giving feedback
– Coaching skills
These resources can be accessed by clicking on the following link.
I have already undertaken the ENB 998/ mentorship qualification, do I need to attend?
Yes. We have arranged the study days so that those with a previous mentorship qualification can attend. They do not require the whole day, just from 09.00-14.00.
You should undertake the following e-modules n the PLPLG Webpage
– Understanding Students
– Assessing learning needs
– Giving feedback
– Coaching skills
These resources can be accessed by clicking on the following link.
I attended Practice Supervisor training recently, do I need to attend?
Yes. We have arranged the study days so that those with a previous practice supervisor workshops can attend. They do not require the whole day, just from 11.30-14.30.
Is there an assessment?
No and the course does not carry any academic credits
Does it need to be followed within a period of time by having a student working with them and for how long would this be for?
There is no stipulation that the Practice Assessor will be supervised after the training although the NMC stipulation that practice assessors are adequately prepared means that the support put in place after the training can be determined locally. We have not stipulated any supervision requirement in this training we are running.
After completing the course do they then need to do an annual update?
Although there is no specific requirement for an annual update it is suggested by the SSSA standards that the Practice Assessors will have an in depth understanding of the student’s course requirements so we will be continuing to deliver updates to support this. We also believe that the benefits of the networking opportunity of getting Practice Assessors together is worth continuing.
Does it prepare them to take both pre-registration and post-registration students?
Yes. It is mandatory for staff who are supervising and/or assessing pre-registration student nurses and Apprentice/Trainee nursing associates to have undertaken this course, or alternative adequate preparation. This course also eplaces the Specialist Community Practice Teacher Course that supervisors of Health Visiting and District Nursing students required as part of the SLAiP guidelines.
Whilst there is no requirement for staff who are supervising and assessing trainee General Practice Nurses, it has been seen as best practice for these staff to have undertaken this course and we do advise this. As the course covers information around learning theory, giving feedback and having coaching conversations the course is appropriate and we welcome staff who have any responsibility for
For more information
If you would like more information please contact