The course has been accredited by the University of Greenwich at 10 credits, Level 4. The course lasts six to nine months, during which time you will be allocated one day/week protected learning time, which is your day for formal study. Your study day will comprise both work-based learning and a taught element via MS Teams.
The course is coordinated and led by the South-East London Workforce Development Hub (WDH) on behalf of the five Training Hubs across London. The course is therefore delivered on a Pan-London basis, where all GPAs across London receive the same training. Liz Nicholls leads the course on behalf of SELWDH and is also responsible for the learner experience of GPA trainees in South East London. Each Integrated Care system (ICS) facing training hub has an identified lead. The lead for NEL is Sedat Ozcelik –
Overview of the Course
As a GPA you will form part of a multi-disciplinary team within primary care. You will be providing an important support role, carrying out administrative tasks, combined with basic clinical duties, helping to free up the GPs time and contributing to the smooth running of appointments, thereby improving a patients’ experience in your surgery. In order to regularise the role and training needed for GPAs, a national framework has been developed built around five domains: Care; Administration; Clinical; Communications, and; Managing Health Records. Associated with these domains is a competency framework (Appendix A). The domains have influenced the course design, content and assessment so we suggest that you familiarise yourself with the framework as this will give you a clear indication of the expectations of your role and therefore what is required of you to successfully complete the course.
On this page the course aims and outcomes are expressed. An aim is what the course will do, an outcome is the expectation of what you as the learner will be able to achieve by the end of the course.
Course Aim:
The course aims to provide you with the knowledge to support you to develop the skills required to enable you to effectively undertake your role as a GPA.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course you will be able to:
1. Promote physical and mental health well-being, demonstrating understanding of the fundamental principles underpinning holistic person-centred care
2. Demonstrate the principles of patient confidentiality when documenting and sharing patient data/information
3. Recognise what constitutes an appropriate environment for meeting patients’ needs during assessment and sample collection
4. Explain the principles underpinning good communication and informed consent during a patient consultation, demonstrating these principles in practice.
Eligibility criteria for applicants:
- Completion of the Care Certificate (or the ability to complete it during the programme).
- A clear understanding of the role.
- Commitment to the required learning within contracted hours.
- A named GP supervisor.
- Support from your employer.
- Level 2 functional skills in English and Maths (or willingness to complete these).
- Alternatively, readiness for Level 4 study can be demonstrated through a marked written exercise.
To apply, please complete the application form and return it to
We are currently getting interests for the Cohort 6, due to start in February 2025.
Click HERE for the Learner handbook for more information.