The process for expressing an interest to apply to undertake an Advanced Practice (AP) Programme has now started. Individuals and employers interested in Advanced Practice roles within healthcare sectors such as nursing, pharmacy, paramedics, and occupational therapy should review the steps below required to express interest and prepare the necessary documentation.
- Advanced Practice Msc Qualification – Full tuition fees for a period up to 3 years practice (paid to HEI) – Supervision fee: £2,500 per annum (paid to the employer)
- Advanced Practice Apprenticeship – Tuition fees: N/A (paid by the employer through the apprenticeship levy) – Supervision fee: £6,000 per annum (paid to the employer)
- Advanced Practice Portfolio Route: Top-up modules – Tuition fees named modules as agreed between NHSE and the employer. Modules must be completed within the academic year and must upskill the individual to fully meet the Multi-Professional advanced practice framework – Supervision fee: N/A
Expressions of Interest from employers are welcome throughout the year.
- Applicant should review the attached list of NHS England accredited programmes on the HEI excel spreadsheet.
Applications to express an interest must be submitted to the NEL Training Hub ( using the application form – Click HERE for the application form (this form also requires the applicant, employer and supervisor to provide supporting statements).
After it has been reviewed by NEL Training Hub with clinical oversight, if the application satisfies all necessary criteria, the NEL Training Hub will submit the application to the NHSE Workforce Training and Education (WTE) London Regional Faculty for Advanced Practice to seek funding approval.
NHSE WTE will confirm the outcome of the funding approval with the NEL Training Hub.
The NEL Training Hub will inform the locality Training Hub contact of the outcome. If the outcome is successful, the applicant will be advised to apply directly to the chosen HEI’s (Higher Education Institution) ACP programme. Applications should be initiated at least 60 days before the HEI deadline of the programme you intend to apply for.
Before applying, applicants should share all the information and the supporting documents and links with the employer.
Applications must be employer-endorsed, aligning with organisational workforce planning.
Applications should be aligned with the NHS Long Term Plan and the Spending Review, focusing on the areas where advanced clinical practice can significantly contribute. London’s elective recovery programmes also spotlight Advanced Practice roles as pivotal in-service restoration and improvement. Proposals should thus support both local system recovery goals and the broader objectives of the NHS Long-Term Plan.
The process for identifying and selecting candidates onto the ACP Programme is designed to be robust but fair. NHSE WTE will allocate funding for training spots based on the specific needs of each locality.
Fill out all required of the EOI application form fields. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Pay special attention to specific guidance for questions 1, 13, 14, and 15.
Include a personal statement and obtain additional supporting statements from your supervisor and employer, addressing your suitability and their support (see questions 30, 31 and 32)
Supporting your ACP trainee is crucial. In addition to providing a supporting statement within the main expression of interest application form, please complete the employer section of the NHSE WTE Employer and Primary Care ACP Readiness Checklists to ensure your organisation is prepared to fully support ACP trainees, covering educational supervision, work-based learning, and study leave. This checklist should be submitted with the main application.
Supervision plays a crucial role in the training of advanced clinical practitioners. As a supervisor of a trainee advanced clinical practitioner, it’s vital to possess the necessary experience, knowledge, and expertise to offer high-quality supervision. In addition to providing a supporting statement within the main expression of interest application form, to assess your readiness, please complete the supervisor section of the NHSE WTE Employer and Primary Care ACP Readiness Checklist for a self-evaluation. This checklist should be submitted with the main application.
HEI Prospectus (please note that details of the Kings College London ACP programme is not on the attached propectus (excel sheet). Please access details of the Kings College programme here )