Registration Link: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/f93c24a3-4d90-4b11-b910-beb173187d69@37c354b2-85b0-47f5-b222-07b48d774ee3
There is a strong body of evidence, on a national and global scale, that creative health is a key enabler in reducing inequalities in our communities. But what is creative health and why is it important? How can we harness these key assets within our system to create lasting change?
VCFSE, artists and cultural organisations are already delivering creative health programmes in North East London, from supporting children’s mental health by developing skills in creativity, confidence and teamwork, to helping people with long term conditions to thrive through music, cooking and art-making.
Join Conni Rosewarne, NEL Creative Health Associate and Dan Hopewell, Director of Knowledge and Innovation at Bromley By Bow Insights to think together about how creative activities can support holistic health and care, and share insights on how you can embed creativity into your neighbourhoods.
For more detail about the programme, please visit the Health Equity Academy FutureNHS page.
Welcome to the launch of the pilot North East London Enhance programme!
NEL Enhance is a workforce development programme, open to all people working right across health, local authority, social care and the VCFSE sector. The programme is supported by NEL ICB Health Inclusion and Improvement and the Health Equity Academy, and funded by NHSE Education Reform.
The key themes covered by the programme are:
Person-centred practice
Complex multimorbidity
System working
Population health
Social justice & health equity
Environmental sustainability
The NEL Enhance pilot provides an opportunity to think together about how we can foster deeper collaboration and connection. We know that to truly have an impact on health inequalities we need to work together across professional and organisational boundaries.No one part of a system, or a single profession, can do this work on its own.
The Enhance programme kicks off in January 2025 with six webinars bringing speakers and experts from across our system and beyond. They will start the conversation on the above themes by sharing real life examples and ideas to inspire work in your neighbourhood.
You will also hear about the next phase of NEL Enhance, coming later in the year, where you can apply to be a part of a tailored, funded programme, supporting you in putting the themes into practice to address a local need.
Your Neighbourhood, Your Future: Be Part of the Conversation