Help shape the future of the virtual CKD service at Barts Health!
Dear colleagues,
We are continuously working to improve the Barts Health virtual CKD service. Please can you fill in this important questionnaire to give us every chance to make further improvements to the service. We have had an internal meeting about our processes, now it’s your turn to feedback to us!
The survey has 9 questions and will take probably less than 90 seconds (you might need to be logged in to NHS systems and if you can’t click on the link pls copy and paste into a browser)
It is for all health professionals who use the service but only for teams in Waltham Forest, Newham, Tower Hamlets and City and Hackney.
The virtual CKD service is slowly being rolled out in BHR.
The survey results are anonymous, I will send round a summary of changes planned to the virtual CKD service based on survey feedback.
Please submit your replies by Wednesday 22nd January.
With many thanks in advance,
Dr Gavin Dreyer
Consultant nephrologist and clinical lead for the virtual CKD service
Barts Health